Selected Letters

The Story Catcher Mailbox Project is an interactive, steel sculpture and roving art installation that stands 7.5 feet tall with slots on two sides asking for letters of grief and letters of praise. At the root of this project, the healing modality is story telling-- both written and oral. One of the project's main features is it's interactive, live readings, which are free, public events, recorded and publicized. It's
my hope that the project can continue traveling on, helping communities heal.

Artist: Danielle Siano

Production Crew: Danielle Siano, Mike Kent, Jonah Blossom, Tony Figueroa, Jay Plaehn, Joy Voigt, Aaron Cribbs, Mike Swiss.

Video was filmed, edited, and produced by Tate Larrick

Sponsors: Mike Kent, Santa Barbara Hackerspace, Mike Swiss, Jonah Blossom, Giffin Rental